The procedures associated with putting dental crowns in place are not actions taken with levity.

If done successfully, one can expect to smile confidently after months of being caged by decayed or cracked teeth.

However, an unexpected turn in the process can negatively impact your overall dental health.

Crown placements are not everyday acts since they can be functional for over ten years.

They restore damaged teeth and make them shine bright. This is, however, only achievable if the dental crown fits right. Anything to the contrary might expose you to jaw disorders and gum infections.

To avoid such, knowing how tight your crown should be is of utmost importance.

1. Eating Must Feel Right

A dental crown must feel just like a normal tooth. If it is tighter than the remaining teeth, biting into your snacks will be so uncomfortable.

A perfectly fitted crown won’t tense adjacent teeth and the whole chewing process will be harmonious.;

On the other hand, a wrongly fitted dental crown will put pressure on your jaw muscles and joints. You will experience soreness and other symptoms like pain, headache, and vertigo.

You should however bear in mind that similar feelings can occur as a result of the changes to which you are not accustomed. So, maybe, give it time.

2. Enough Space between the dental implant and other teeth

A dental crown must share the same size as the available space. If the space is too small for the crown, a new one with a smaller size should be sourced.

Forcefully trying to fit it in will put pressure on the tooth next to the implant making the whole thing crowded and too tight. You might start feeling pain which will subsequently increase while chewing.

If the crown size and the available space are a match made from heaven, you can be sure to have no issue with flossing. This will help ensure your gums are safe and your overall oral health is grade A.

3. Avoid Too Much Space

While a space around the crown is recommended to avoid pressure on the teeth next to it, it also has to be the right amount.

If it is too much, you might get pieces of food in between. This will end up being another issue you will have to deal with.

Floss will find its way through the region but it doesn’t do it right.

This might keep happening each time you munch on something and that will be discomforting.

They might even start filling the spaces near the lower part of the crown making it tough to access.

These are all a result of a wrong crown fitting. If well fixed, it won’t be able to serve as a ledge where food crumbles are reserved.

As a result, you will have no need to worry about tooth decay or gum infections.

4. A Dental Crown Must Not be Too Loose

A perfect crown won’t make movements that will override that of a normal tooth.

It should be sealed in place with nothing allowed but a slight movement. A loosely bonded crown always ends up rocking back and forth on the tooth.

When this occurs, you will start feeling as though the crown is just a few tilts away from falling off.

Moreso, you will be exposed to dental infections since the space between is an ideal environment for bacteria. Food crumbles might also accumulate in that area, all becoming a chronic oral disease.

5. Should be of a perfect height

Munching requires your crown to function at the appropriate height. If it is placed too low or otherwise, it can lead to unexpected issues.

A high crown placement will make eating uncomfortable and also associate the whole process with pain.

Your teeth will touch faster than required and biting will be unorganized.

On the flip side, a low crown placement will have little or no impact on the chewing process. You might end up having to just keep swallowing your meal no matter how big the chunks are.


Is it normal for crowns to feel tight?

If you’re looking into this immediately after the implantation, the tightness is most likely normal.

This is a new change for the mouth and it might take a while before everything falls back in place.

If it continues after a couple of days, then your crown was probably wrongly fitted.

Should a crown touch the gum line?

A perfect crown will have no space between its edges and the gum line. Anything contrary will create a gap in which bacteria can hide, and that will lead to unfavorable dental health.

Can flossing loosen a crown?

Flossing can loosen your crown if done improperly. Do not snap or pull it around your restorations. Gently sliding by the sides once a day will do the trick.

Wrap Up

Dental crowns are an important part of an implant and their functional role in chewing cannot be overemphasized. While they last for years, visiting your dentist is advisable should you feel anything unusual.

This will allow for quick observation and treatment before it advances. All in all, it is to ensure you never stop smiling.